Creative Web Development Company

Capital Technology, A leading website designing, and App Developing Company in India specialize in web designing and mobile apps marketing solutions to help businesses grow faster.

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Daynamic Web Development

An individual website site page can be static or dynamic. When a static site contains data that does not change. It continues as before, or static, for each viewer of the site. So A dynamic site contains data that progressions and changes, depending on the viewer, the time of the day, the visitor’s local dialect, and different variables. For example, the Computer Hope primary page is a dynamic site that automatically changes every day.

A dynamic site can contain customer side scripting or server-side scripting to create the evolving content or a blend of both scripting types. These sites also include HTML programming for the basic structure. The customer side or server-side scripting deal with the guts of the site through Content Management System (CMS) or WordPress, Joomla (Dashboard) etc.